
The Brexit crisis has loomed large in my life this month, half because of my personal feelings, half because of the effect on Linda and her work. I did try to go the debate in Parliament on April Fools day, just in time for the naked Climate Change demo! The days leading up to April 11th were horrendous, and the extension of the deadline to October 31 an enormous relief. We actually had a proper Easter weekend and are going away for another weekend on Friday 27th. Hallelujah!
I wrote the blog for my talk early this month. I wanted to hand it out at the talk on 8th April so that folk could use it for Holy Week itself, with the readings starting on Friday 12th. Originally I had thought that I could virtually recycle something from last year, but my new understanding of the Gospel of John meant that I included several new passages, notably the foot-washing. So it ended up, as you know, with two or three readings per day for nine days, with a question for reflection on each reading.
The talk went well and people appreciated having a handout during the talk. Two minutes before the start there were about four there but suddenly we had an influx, including several latecomers, so that by the end the numbers had swollen to 24, the most so far. Several had come via my advertising on eventbrite, and had come from quite some way away, London Bridge, Uxbridge etc. Very gratifying.
I found it personally helpful to have readings most mornings, afternoons and evenings, I felt as if I really was accompanying Jesus on his final week. Linda and I went to St Cuthbert’s together on Good Friday and Easter. Such a treat!

I went to St Paul’s Cathedral on Maundy Thursday to renew my ordination vows. A real blessing was when I shared the peace with Bishop Sarah, whom I had known when she was team rector in Sutton. A cleric I spoke to afterwards said “She is just what we needed.”

Having got copyright permission back in February to use the NRSV for my version of Job, I wanted to expand it in two ways: a) to include a shortened version of my shortened version (!) which could be used as a one evening study for a church discussion group. I did this with my own Connect Group at HTB Queens Gate. And b) a “How to” section for both private reading and group study, and a proper introduction, talking about who wrote Job when and where. The short answer is, we don’t know. But not knowing stuff never stopped me or other academics from sounding forth! My Introduction is now five A4 pages.

After Easter I had determined to go on a two day retreat to my normal monastery at Crawley Down. On the Thursday afternoon I used their library to go through seven Bible commentaries and other books to get information for the introduction. Just the right peaceful atmosphere to do it in. And I got useful stuff.
I had already decided to present Job as part of my St Cuthbert’s Talks series on Monday 11th November – a suitably solemn season. I have managed to book our local am-dram group, the Earls Courtiers, to perform it as a drama, and I hope that a mediaeval music group, Blondel, will write new music for the three musical interludes. It will also be an official launch of the new edition, and that means that I want it all to be completed by the end of May, because the publicity will take time.
Facebook has changed the way that its Pages work, and I seem unable to tag my books. There must be a way but I haven’t found it yet. That’s social media for you! My posts and tweets this month have largely focussed on Holy Week – last week for Western Churches, this week for Orthodox Churches. A few of my favourites have been:
How to get Jesus to like you? Climb a tree! – The story of Zacchaeus.

“When I die I rot – or not?” Reflections on Jesus’ robust statement on life after death.
3 x Holy? Acknowledging that Good Friday this year is also the Jewish Passover as well as Friday Prayers for Muslims.
My next talk on “Making sense of the Bible” will be on the resurrection: “What did happen at Easter – Examining the Evidence”. We don’t just have the four gospels, but also Paul’s letter to the Corinthians and possibly Josephus “Antiquities of the Jews”, plus evidence within the New Testament on contemporary world-views. Do tell anyone who might be interested about it.
Perhaps that lovely weather at the Easter weekend means that Spring has officially arrived! Let’s hope so for the two forthcoming May weekends.
May God bless you and give you what you need.