REV ANDY’S NEWS FEBRUARY 2020 facebook/revandybooks

Does the Church have a Future?
I’ve done some useful stuff on my book this month, but not made much obvious progress. On 4th, while doing the ironing, I watched a science programme on the new DNA technology, CRISPR, which enables precise manipulation of DNA. A a scientist said in 1960, such technology could lead either to deliverance or disaster. So that became the basis of an important new paragraph on synthetic biology in my section on the 21st century. At the other end, I rewrote the introduction to the book, mostly on retreat at the Monastery of the Holy Trinity, Crawly Down (see photo) and am including brief introductions to the early Christian centuries,. This means learning more about Roman religion and society. I am learning so much through writing this book!
Meanwhile I continue to button hole likely people to carry out my survey of attitudes to religion. I meet people in cafes, the underground, but not church, and have got 40 so far. Some interesting trends have emerged already. Virtually everyone rates meditation higher than prayer; Italians have more respect for religion in general and almost no respect for the church.
I had just finished a paragraph on mindfulness, when I got an email from Kensington and Chelsea, offering a free course on mindfulness. I thought I should take advantage of It. I find it a bit thin compared with Christina meditation, but I have learnt some useful breathing techniques which help me get to sleep at night. So that’s good.
Preparing to Print

I have spent several months preparing a second edition of “Discovering Psalms as Prayer”. This now includes a chapter on “Who Wrote What When?” and a specific section for Daily Prayers, which readers can now use without having to scout round for other books, e.g. Bibles. I also wanted to include a section on tunes for some hymns and songs. But how to print out music? Fortunately I spent a Sunday evening in the Cock Pit pub with my friend John who writes out music regularly. He has done a brilliant job, and my book designer, Clare, has incorporated it in the final version.
Is that all? By no means! Here were the next steps:
- 1 Have it proof-read professionally by Filament’s editor Olivia – she picked up loads of small errors.
- 2 Amend the front cover, and the spine. (The back cover will come later).
- 3 Apply for copyright permission to use parts of the Church of England services, the NRSV Bible, Kurisumula Ashram for morning prayer, the Taize community for one prayer, and Touchstone Pictures for an incident from the brilliant comedy “Tin Men”.
- 4 Paying for 20 pre-launch copies to send to some people who I hope may give favourable comments, e.g. Sarah, Bishop of London, who I knew in Sutton.
I hope to launch it officially as an introduction to a prayer event during Thy Kingdom Come week at the end of May at St Mary Abbot’s, the big parish church of Kensington.
Pub Talk

The first Wednesday of each month is when I host my “No Holds Barred” discussions in the Bolton pub, at the bottom of Earls Court road. It’s a great pub, good atmosphere and over 200 Dutch beers! Upstairs is a great space, room enough for both our discussion and a large painting class! On Wednesday 5th twelve people turned up for a discussion on “Religion – Good, Bad or Both?” most from a weekly discussion group from the Lee Abbey International Students’ Club.
In a few days time we will discuss “Is ‘God’ past its sell- by date?”; you should already have received the blog on this. Next month I plan to host a discussion on “What’s wrong with sin?” Do come along if you can, and tell others!
Wednesday 4th March Is ‘God’ past its sell-by date?
Wednesday 1st April What’s Wrong with Sin?
at 7.00pm at the Bolton pub, Earls Court Road SW5
Linda and I have seen some great films this month, all of which are worth seeking out:

‘It’s a Beautiful day in the Neighbourhood’: a wonderful encounter with Mr Rogers, someone with a remarkable gift of listening. When we left the cinema we heard a woman say “It was kind of like therapy.”

‘Mr Jones’: a fascinating but gruelling true story of a Welsh reporter who went to Moscow in 1933 hoping to interview Stalin. Instead he discovered the dreadful reality of the Ukrainian man-made famine. A piece of history that should not be forgotten.

‘Emma’: great fun, great story, of a young woman who was “handsome, clever and rich”. We get sucked into the life of the people without realising it, and so when someone makes a cutting remark, the whole audience gasps. I’ve never heard that before.
‘Little Joe’: a low-budget story about genetic engineering to make a ‘happiness’ flower. More of a chiller than a thriller, and it does worm its way into your mind.
That’s all for now folks.
God bless
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