MARCH 2023

Much of my marketing this month has been trying to drum up support for my two talks on Holy Week. So far with little success. There were just five of us at St Cuthbert’s on 28th, but one young lady did give me a lovely small pink rose bush!
What was useful was the preparation for the talk. I quickly realised that I had to do more than simply practice speaking, so I created a hand-out for people to follow the story. That was really useful then, and also on my weekly visit to prison where I was able to give it to several inmates so they could read about the story of Holy Week in their Bibles. Useful if you are banged up 23 hours a day.
I attach it at the end of this newsletter in case you find it useful to read your way through the last week of Jesus’ life.
As you know, I produced a blog on ‘The Problem of Sin’. A particular help was the book ‘i-Gen’ which I bought about five years ago, dusted off and found it really hit the spot.

I renewed my acquaintance with St Mellitus Theological College. It is based in my old church of St Jude’s Courtfield Gardens, where I was in the 1970s. I used the first floor library there regularly pre-covid; this was my first return. It was particularly helpful in writing a 500 word account of the Eastern Orthodox Church, part of my future book ‘Daily Prayers for the World’s Faiths’. I am now working on a draft account of Hinduism in 500 words. I am fairly amazed at the dozen excellent books I have on Hinduism and Christian responses, which I acquired as part of the two months in India in 1983. But creating a coherent account of Hinduism is a bit like trying to eat soup with chopsticks.
On 28th I took part in a Zoom meeting for the Association of Christian Writers (ACW). We had a very interesting speaker, Bobbi Cole, who has her own website on creating historical fiction from the Bible. She suggested that she and I stay in touch, which I am very happy about because she has a lot of wisdom about the whole book business.
Her website is:
To Inspire
Linda and I went to the V & A exhibition on Donatello, an influential Renaissance sculptor, and then saw an impressive though difficult film ‘Women Talking’.

I went on my own to see again ‘Everything Everywhere All at Once’ which we saw last year. Linda hated it, I loved it butI found it very confusing. So I went to see it again, and it actually has a simple message: “Be kind”.
The most inspiring event of the year so far was an evening of ‘Classical Worship’ at HTB Queen Gate. There was a marvellous array of talent, including a Chaconne in D by Bach for solo violin and music by Purcell, Bruckner, Franck and Weber. There were two poems by Gideon Heugh. Here is what is currently on his home page (
You must always have something to do. You must always fill every nook and cranny with fuss and bustle and busyness. Or, failing that, with the screenful fug of distraction. Don’t you ever dare take time to reflect. Don’t you ever dare give yourself room to breathe. Don’t you ever dare be idle, or let the dust settle, or daydream. And, oh, you want to complain about your wellbeing?
The most inspiring event, though, is in the future, namely the 38th Kirchentag in Nuremberg. The German Evangelische Kirche is expecting 150,000 participants. It was quite complicated booking the train journeys, sending a copy of my passport to get the concessionary rate, arranging the payment in euros, finding out about what accommodation was available and finally booking a hotel in the centre of Nuremberg, (also called Nürnberg). So on 6th June I will travel for 9.5 hours, with my brand new German passport, which I go and apply for on May 2nd. I am excited!
The Question of God
At the beginning of the month I had a theological row with a family member. I was attacked quite vigorously for believing in God. I found it hard to respond, but it did get me thinking. What can I say to someone who firmly denies any kind of validity to religious beliefs?

After mulling it over, I came to the conclusion that there are two basic beliefs about the universe:
1 There is a creative force at work within the universe; or
2 The universe is completely random within certain mathematical frameworks.
Also, the first is the fundamental presupposition of all religions and faiths. That is why different faiths can work together despite their differences.
Both are coherent, but I think that the first is able to cope with a wider range of phenomena.
What do you think?
God bless
Introduction Sources: Mark, Luke , John, imagination & common sense.
Mark 11. 51-52; Luke 1.1-4, Acts 21.17, 24.27, 28.30.
Prologue The Jericho Road. Mark 11.32-52; Luke 19.1-27
Triumphal Entry Arranging the colt; reconnaissance; feast at Bethany. Mark 1.1-11; John 12.1-11
The Temple The fig tree; the takeover; Jesus challenged. Mark 11.12-23; John 2.13-22
Challenges By what authority? The vineyard tenants; the authorities. Mark 11.27 – 12.40 (not Matthew 23)
Judgment Destruction of Jerusalem; signs of the end; Son’s coming. Mark 13
Passover The secret sign; “This is my body”; desertion; arrest. Mark 14.12-52; John 18.1-11
Trials Annas; Peter’s denial; Caiaphas; Pilate; Herod; Pilate. Mark 14.53 – 15.15; Luke 22.54 – 23.25; John18.12 – 19.16
Death Crucifixion; last words. Mark 15.33-37; Luke 23.36-46; John 19.25-30