This month was Linda’;s birthday, so I took her away for a week in our favourite spot – North York Moors. Weather mixed, but we had a lovely time.
Two major domestic tech stuff. We gad a smart electricity meter instaled, and change d our broadband provided – at the cost of a day without internet. We survived – just! And I lost my card wallet so had to replace all my cards. Irritating but OK.
Interesting month because I met two Eastern Orthodox priests and a senior Hindu to talk about my ‘Daily Prayers’ book. This included visiting South and my friend Peter in Oxford.

In the middle of the month I managed to write my blog ‘Whose Son?’ In just three days! Complicated, but I hope I made sense.
Made some progress with marketing. I met the excellent administrator of St Mary Abbots, Kensington, and decided to launch my new book there a the end of October – Tuesday 24th to be precise. Leonora is brilliant and has already taken eventbrite in hand. I have booked myself into a 2-day course on using Facebook and Instagram with Kizzie (Social Fireworks).m. I have a hope that I might be able to start using social media a bit more effectively.
On 28th I went to ‘Focus’. HTB churches’ annual beanfeast. I met a girl called Coral who suggested that instead of just relying on my book ‘Bible in Brief’, I should turn it into an app. What do you think? Email ever so welcome! (aoroland@gmail.com).

At the beginning of the month the church where I have conducted monthly services since the lockdown finally had a new priest, Jennie Sharpe. I hope to meet up with her next week over a coffee to see if there some future collaboration is possible.
On 28th I went to the marvellous Bach Vespers with St Anne’s Lutheran Church – in the Anglican St Mary-at-Hill Church. With 17th century music played on period instruments, Bach’s cantata for the day and a proper service. Next one is at the end of September.
Linda and I took Peter and Helen out for Peter’s birthday – to a Japanese meal followed but eh latest anime film ‘Suzume’ – a great family outing
Linda and I enjoyed watching a Swedish police series on BBC called Beck. Since coming back form Yorkshire I have been gong to two or three proms a week. The outstanding one for me so far was Tchaikovsky’ no 6 , the Pathetique. I also was at Mendelsohn’s Elijah, and then a late night one of big band jazz. Superb!