Day 5: Jeremiah 38

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    Rev Andy
    Rev Andy

    Zedekiah was weak – it is often easier to do nothing than risk an unpopular action. How do we find the courage? I think we have to ask God to help us pray and wait on him, and then do what his will would appear to be. Waiting on God and consulting with wise people.

    Rev Andy

    New beginnings? South Africa, Germany, Zimbabwe, Eastern Europe, Israel. BUT there is always a shadow side. As Isaiah Berlin said, “Out of the twisted timber of our humanity no straight thing was ever made”. Havel saw an outburst of criminality after Czech freedom. So: freedom brings criminality; the underdog becomes the new oppressor; the victim becomes the victimiser (Israel)

    But vv 31-34 can be applied personally then they express a real and wonderful hope.


    spending time in pray with God + love + courage

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