Day 6: Genesis 27 – 28.22

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    Rev Andy
    Andy Roland

    Jacob had a very specific dream – no other dream in the Bible has a ladder (apart form Jesus reference to it in John 1:51).

    Why did God favour Jacob? He was no leader, something of a “mummy’s boy”, a deceiver and con man. There is no answer. God’s blessing is quite independent for Isaac’s. And he still bargains with God. “If you do this, I will do that.”

    But reading it makes sense on a personal level. We might say, “Why should God care for me? The answer is, he just does. As Martin Luther wrote shortly before he died, “We are beggars, that is the truth of it.”


    I find this a difficult passage to reconcile as Jacob takes Esau’s birthright in exchange for giving Esau food+ Jacob deceives Issac by making Issac believe he is Esau in order to receive Issac’s blessing. But God after Jacob’s ladder dream promises Jacob(i) land (ii) future of his offspring (iii) to be with Jacob always, to keep & never leave him until God’s promise is fulfilled.

    God obviously chose Jacob over Esau & seemingly condoned Jacob’s actions towards his brother & father. The question is WHY?


    following from my previous post & WHY this weblink helps explain the WHY :

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