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Andy Roland
KeymasterWe read more of John’s preaching and of Jesus’ experience in the wilderness in Luke.
I would like to know more about Jesus’ first meeting with the twelve, see John 1. E.g. Did Jesus work with John until John was arrested?
Andy Roland
KeymasterVarious comments-
1. I think that Luke got the info about the registration wrong. It happened in 7 AD, too late. But it happened at least 50 years before Luke wrote.2. There was no inn. The word means upper room, the main living quarters of the house. The stable was the cave underneath where Mary could have some privacy.
What did the shepherds think? They were told the Messiah was born – he who would deliver Israel. From who? Herod? The corrupt priests in the temple? What sort of deliverance do we want in our lives?
Andy Roland
KeymasterVerses 3.18-22 sum it up. Live a good ordinary life. Who knows what happens after death? God is around.
Andy Roland
KeymasterVerses 3.18-22 sum it up. Live a good ordinary life. Who knows what happens after death? God is around.
Andy Roland
KeymasterIt’s not arguments that Job needed. It was an encounter.
Andy Roland
KeymasterIt’s not arguments that Job needed. It was an encounter.
Andy Roland
KeymasterIt’s not arguments that Job needed. It was an encounter.
Andy Roland
KeymasterIt’s not arguments that Job needed. It was an encounter.
Andy Roland
KeymasterHis despair is caused by the fact that no one listens to him, that God has removed all his former prosperity and happiness, and that he is socially isolated – his friends and family have deserted him. BUT he still thinks that beyond death God will see him right, whatever that means.
This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by
Andy Roland.
Andy Roland
KeymasterEliphaz’ made 3 mistakes:
1 he viciously attacked the sufferer.
2 his talk about the consolations of God was trivial.
3 He said the wicked had short, dreadful lives. Often not true!
Andy Roland
KeymasterSeveral things could make one think death is better than life:
Intolerable pain
Intolerable loss
Loss of hope
Isolation.Andy Roland
KeymasterI think of all the Ukrainians who only eight months ago lived a normal life, and have now lost homes, possessions, family, friends, lives. Yet their spirit is amazing. A lot of strong Christians.
Andy Roland
Keymaster3 favourite proverbs from ch. 22:
Rich and poor have this in comMon-
The Lord is the maker of them all.A prudent man sees danger and tAmes refuge. The simple keep going and suffer for it.
Do not make friends with a hot-tempered man … or you may learn his ways.
Andy Roland
KeymasterThe qualities of God’s wisdom are: prudence, truth, righteousness, justice, being straight and right, knowledge, discretion, strength, insight, sting wickedness and delight in the created world.
Andy Roland
KeymasterThe upright, those with integrity, will understand righteousness and justice, will have wisdom and knowledge, will walk in the ways of good men, and will be securely planted.
The wicked, those who speak perversely, will walk in darkness, enjoy evil things, be crooked and wayward, will fall victim to a seductress, and will be uprooted.
This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by